It's like cleaning a bookcase you haven't visited for a long time: as you take the dusty books out, you keep finding titles you used to read, or just bought because you once liked them, and maybe even some you don't remember why they're there.
You'll probably sit down and go through some, flipping pages, reading some bits for whatever reason, putting others aside for later, or maybe simply discard them all and keep cleaning, because you actually don't care.
It's like cleaning a bookcase you haven't visited in years, to find yourself in a situation you've once read or heard about, but only took like that: another story, because at that time you weren't there.
I wish I had paid attention and labelled them, to now find one empty of don't's, the one with a friendly cover and big, warm letters saying it's actually not wrong to try and pursue what has already been taken by someone else.