There she stands afraid of what lies ahead.
But there is no going back now. There has never been.
A strong resolve. It is all it takes.
Too many doubts have kept her from going further, though. For too much importance was given to what necessary is not: caring to explain. The why - the how - the when - the whom. Meanings shall be kept to the self. It took nobody giving a damn about it to realise the obvious. A cheap price for an answer, one could say. In the end, it did not hurt. - That - did not hurt.
Well, pain is bearable, anyway; it has always been. As so is losing herself in faint hints of despair and using the first to deal with the latter. But meanings - meanings shall be kept to the self. May the last smile she held on her eyes be the only true giveaway of her decision.
Which has already been made. Despite all doubts.
A sigh escapes her lips as her eyelids shut close. Let them fade away as the gentle breeze messes with her hair and feels cool against her skin.
One step. Forward.
Another. Towards that oh so seductive sound of waves splashing on the sand and wind blowing hard on the trees. Away from all those shades of grey she has become used to call herself.
A single tear is shed when she opens her eyes again and notices her feet running. There is no going back.
A strong resolve. It is all it takes.
One last step. Then, it is over.
Finally, blissfully over.
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