Once upon a time
In a land of fantasy
Two unnamed twins
Were staring at the moon
Unconsciously not blinking
Dazed by the bright spell
Their eyes a constellation
Of a long forgotten gallaxy
Without being noticed
Ever since she remembered
She'd spend a sleepless fortnight
Feeding them her hopes and dreams
So that when the full moon's magic
Would bring the two realms closer
There'd be extra shooting stars
For people to wish upon when sad
Down the rabbit hole
Like Alice once did
After Pinocchio's story
Told her about death
1 comment:
Vamos que fingir que eu por aquela hora estava mesmo a dormir. E nem estava a cerrar os olhos com uma força doida, só para adormecer.
E que por esta altura, esta mesma em que tu escrevias, eu nem estava a escrever isto.
Um dia, passamos uma noite a olhar para o 'lá'.
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